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Pablo Hourbeigt •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 1990

Specialization: Administrative Law

Masters in Administrative Law, Universidad Austral


Extensive professional activity in the field of energy law and public utilities’ regulations. 

Advisor to public utilities, with specific experience in interdisciplinary work and tariff issues.

International advisor for the development of regulatory frameworks for infrastructure projects such as the Regulatory Framework of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Colombia and the Brazilian Electricity Sector Model.

Currently acts as Legal Coordinator of the National Undersecretary of Electric Energy and Manager of Legal Affairs of the Federal Electric Transportation Trust Fund.

Author of several legal articles on energy matters.

Languages: Spanish and English

Felix Helou •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 1991

Specialization: Corporate Law and Foreign Investment

Advises on corporate planning, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, and commercial operations.

Dispute resolution and international arbitration at ICSID, UNCITRAL and ICC.

Professor of Institutional Economic Structures at the School of Economics of the Universidad Católica, Argentina.

Guest Professor at the University of Seinäjoki, Finland.

Languages: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese​

Nicolás Yaryura Tobías •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 2021

Especialización: Derecho Empresarial y Comercial

Corporate planning, advice on commercial operations at corporate and legal level for small and medium-sized companies, preparation and drafting of commercial agreements and commercial contracts, resolution of corporate and private disputes, private consultancy.

Languages: Spanish and English


Valeria Carolina Furst •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 2020

Specialization: Labor and Business Law



Professional activity in the field of labor law, both in advising companies and employees. Corporate and commercial planning and advice.

Languages: Spanish and English

Florencia Colla •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 2014

Specialization: Labor Law from the University of Salamanca, España 

Languages: Spanish and English ​

Cristian Dougall •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 1981

Specialization: Business and commercial consulting

Extensive professional experience in corporate and commercial advice, with solid knowledge of the regulatory framework governing the natural gas activity developed as legal manager of a public utility company. Advising in international bids for the execution of large infrastructure works and intervened in international arbitrations carried out within the ICSID framework. Experience in the negotiation and resolution of conflicts and litigation.


Additional studies at the University of Texas at Dallas (USA) - Academy of American and International Law by the Institute for International and Comparative Law of the Centre for American Law, 1987; Michigan State University (USA) - Fundamentals of Public Utility Regulation, 1995; Harvard Law School (USA) - Program of Instruction for Lawyers, 1997; IAE - Business School of the Austral University - Executive Development Program, Project Management, 1998, University of Dundee (Scotland) - "Natural Gas Negotiations and Contracts", 2001.

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Languages: Spanish and English

Jennifer Farquharson •

Specialization: Immigration law and private international law


J.D., University of Ottawa, 2013
LL.L., University of Ottawa, 2013


Comparative Law Program, Beijing School of Law and Political Science, Beijing, China, 2011
International Business Transactions, Universidad Austral Law School, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2010
Professional Real Estate Licentiate (OREA) Toronto, Ontario, 2007
B.A. Political Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, 1992
Applications for local and foreign permanent residency, citizenship applications for European Union countries, registration of foreign and local companies in the National Registry of Applicants.
Corporate advice, business strategy, compliance and anti-corruption advice for foreign companies.
Consulting in real estate transactions and inheritance planning for foreign residents.

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Languages: Spanish, French, Italian and English.

Fernando Enrique Luna •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 1985

Specialization: Administrative Law

Focus on the labor area both in advising companies, employees and unions in labor relations.

Participation in labor unions and supervisory bodies. 


Languages: Spanish and English

Florencio Travieso •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 1998. Actualmente reside en París.

Specialization: Public Law from the University of Paris.



Worked for the Judiciary in the Contentious-Administrative Court. Advisor to the Secretary of Justice and Legislative Policies of the Ministry of Justice. Currently advising the National Treasury Attorney in matters related to international claims before the ICSID. Coordination of the electricity and natural gas sectors.

Professor of Administrative Law and author of legal articles in books and legal journals.

Languages: Spanish, French, Italian and English.

Pedro Gradín •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 2007

Specialization: Administrative Law, Business Law and Civil and Commercial Litigation.

Languages: Spanish, Italian and English.

Gabriel Esteban Kesseru •

Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated in 1992

Specialization: Private Law (family law, rights in rem, usucapion).


Post-graduate studies at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (1993)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary (1994-1996). 

Registered in the Province of Neuquén (1997-2019).

Languages: Spanish, Hungarian, German and English.

Lourdes María Villablanca •


Advanced law student at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Advice and collaboration in corporate, corporate and private law matters.

Languages: Spanish, Italian and English.

Tucuman 141, 4th Floor  Autonomous City of Buenos Aires,  Argentinian republic  C1049AAC 

(5411) 5032-1661

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